Charitable Giving Requests
A portion of SJWC’s annual budget is allocated to charitable giving. Charitable giving requests are evaluated by the Charitable Giving Committee and approved by the SJWC Board of Directors. The deadline for submitting requests for the 2019-2020 fiscal year is November 1, 2019. Anyone can submit a charitable giving request for an organization. Charitable Giving grants are announced in December.
2023-2024 Charitable Giving Donations
During the 2023-2024 fiscal year. San Jose Woman’s Club supported the following organizations with cash donations
- 13th St Cat Rescue
- Adopt My Block
- Assistance League of San Jose
- Bay Area Cats
- Front Door Communities
- The Grateful Garment Project
- Guadalupe River Park Conservancy
- Live Oak Adult Day Services
- Pet Awareness and Welfare Society
- Rancho Roben Rescues
- RotaCare Bay Area, Inc.
- Sunday Friends Foundation
- Yggdrasil Urban Wildlife Rescue

Low-Cost or No-Cost Venue Rental
As part of its mission to support the community, San Jose Woman’s Club provides in-kind donation of low-cost or no-cost rental of the SJWC Clubhouse to local community and arts groups for fund-raising events, performances and meetings, including these organizations:
- American Society of Civil Engineers, San Jose Branch
- Bay Area Country Dance Society
- Booksin Elementary BESCA
- Chico State University
- Catalyze Silicon Valley
- Downtown Streets Team
- Local Color
- Naglee Park Campus Community Association
- Next Door Solutions to Domestic Violence
- Northern California Coalition of Genetic Counselors
- Nourish CA
- San Jose State University Dance Club, Spartan Bangra
- San Jose State University Ira F. Brilliant Center for Beethoven Studies
- San Jose State University Residence Hall Association
- Santa Clara County Office of Education
- Seattle Chamber of Commerce
- Silicon Valley Chapter of the American Institute of Architects